Saturday, August 19, 2006

God Of Creation

It's the way your stars shine Sometimes so bright I swear I could hear And it's the way your moonlight Falls on your mountain lake so clear And it's the way your sunshine Paints your evening sky And it's the way your rain falls To sing me to sleep at night and… I fall into you God of creation take my breath away God of the heavens in this very space It's the way you lead me The way we walk by your water's still It's the way you hold me The way you've felt all that I feel And it's the way you touch me The way you know when it's needed most It's the way you form your words On my heart while I rest in you… Carry me away God of creation take my breath away God of the heavens in this very space And you enter suddenly And I am lost again Inside the mystery I am lost again And you come suddenly And I am lost again Inside the majesty I am lost again… - David Crowder* Band (Can You Hear Us) Psalm 104:1-2 Colossians 1:26-28 Hebrews 4:12-14 1 Chronicles 16:26-28 1 Chronicles 29:10-12 Isaiah 2:10 Ephesians 3:3-5 Ephesians 6:19 Colossians 1:26-28

Friday, August 11, 2006

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Please LORD, Help me

"I was astonished that although I now loved you . . . I did not persist in enjoyment of my God. Your beauty drew me to you, but soon I was dragged away from you by my own weight and in dismay I plunged again into the things of this world . . . as though I had sensed the fragrance of the fare but was not yet able to eat it." Aurelius Augustine, Confessions, trans. R. S. Pine-Coffin (New York: Penguin, 1961), 152 (VII.17).